Man In The Mirror (Remix by Curtis Jones)


"This is a tribute to Michael Jackson and a reminder that there is still much work to be done... Dedicated to Rachel Beckwith, Wesley Autrey, Liu Xiaobo, Justin Bieber, Casey Heynes, Leroy Petry, Ben Underwood, Shiva Nazar Ahari, Karen and Eric LeGrand and all else who inspire me to keep on fighting for what I believe in everyday... It's more important than ever to persevere... Make that change and don't give up!!!" 

(Curtis Jones)
Todos os direitos de imagem e som referentes a Michael Jackson são reservados a Sony Music/Espólio de Michael Jackson.
O "MJVIPCLUB- Brazilian Fans Tribute" é um espaço de tributos destinado a todos que apreciam Michael e desejam prestar homenagens a este grande artista.Não apoiamos a pirataria e só abraçamos causas sem fins lucrativos.